AntiBullying App

4.8 ( 4698 ratings )
ユーティリティ 教育
開発者 Jorge Diaz

Let your teacher know about any bullying. A fast and easy way to communicate if you or someone you know is a victim of bullying.
In 3 easy steps, this app allows you to:
1. Setup the information.
2. Explain how you or someone you know is bullied.
3. Send the information to school authorities to deal with the problem.
The idea behind this is to allow a safe, comfortable, and private space to communicate your problem to school authorities who should help in working out the situation.
Bullying is a serious problem at schools all over the globe. We want to add our two cents with this simple app to give a push in the right direction in dealing with bullying. Remember, if you are a victim of bullying the best choice is to communicate about it. This app can help you out in those first steps.
The AntiBullyApp communicates to adults with authority in school environments to stop it on the spot. It has been determined that when adults intervene quickly the problem reaches a solution much faster.
Go ahead, give the app a try and communicate on your own time when and how you or someone you know is being bullied